The last few days have been pretty low birthday night out Saturday was a lot fun and I can't wait to do it all over again for my pseudo-21st with all my peeps back home! We went to a bar called Ruma, which means "ugly" in Finnish....check out the picture of the bathroom stalls and the photo screens on the walls!
I love you all for coming out!
This week and last week I have been taking my Russia and the Russians: Myth and Reality course at JYU. The course only lasts for two weeks, and then I have to turn in a paper by the end of March...and then I get a full semester worth of credit. The way they do the classes here is pretty awesome, I get to slack AND be finished with all my courses by the end of March. The professor who teaches the course is from St. Petersburg. The course is more politically and historically based than I usually enjoy but since I don't know much about Russia I find it pretty interesting. He is constantly asking me questions about America that apply to whatever we are talking about since I am the only American in the class. Usually they are political questions, and so I have nothing to contribute. I find politics totally frustrating and obnoxious and although I understand that they do affect me, I just cannot make myself interested in them at this point in my life. Maybe one day..but not tomorrow. Or the next! I am learning a lot about a country that I really never knew much about...and that is what I enjoy!
Speaking of Russia, I am going to St. Petersburg in the middle of March and CANNOT WAIT! Also, the Lapland trip is officially two weeks awayyyyy! Lapland is a once in a lifetime trip and I am excited to see everything it has to offer.
Alright..I'm OUT!
PS- I woke up this morning to a package at my door from the man I adore most (after Papa of course!)...filled with plenty of birthday surprises! I
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